
Monday, August 16, 2010


Windows 7 has been one of the windows admire by some computer users. They hardly do away with it. Various reason has been ascribed for their affinity for the Windows. Top on the list is the amazing speed of the windows when newly acquired. But all of sudden they began to lose interest with the performance of the Windows again. They felt disgusted with the slow speed. If the performance of your PC has gone bad or so slow and you are search for the way out, you are welcome to the article that make solutions available. Here are what to do to enhance the performance of your Windows 7:

•Increase the memory capacity of your system. When this is done it make enough space available for the programs to run very fast and make your computer speed up. Buy RAM or additional hard disk to the memory. Fix it yourself you if you have technical know how or employed the services of expert.

•Defragment your hard disk. This is highly economically compare to addition of RAM or hard disk to the memory. But it required good understand of the process involved and diligent work. It takes sometime to be done especially when you are dealing with hard device with large files. You need good time and patience to work it out, so that it can be done properly and perfectly without negative feedback.

•Put your registry in perfect state. Until you fix the registry of your PC when it is corrupted, the windows 7 will never stop running slow. Get rid of all outdated file or corrupt entries fix. The easy way to put this done is to employ the services of reliable registry cleaner. Just run the software on your system, it will scan and fix any error perfectly without delay.

A registry cleaner will not only flush out all junks and fix errors on your Windows registry, it will preserve valuable information from getting lost from corrupt system. All you need to do with the software is to run it periodically to double up the performance of your PC.